Magazine of the Glasgow University Union
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‘Hugging allowed from Monday’, but do I actually want one?
I never really considered how much physical contact actually mattered to me until I couldn’t get any for 2 months straight, nor had I considered what a source of anxiety it was to me until it was gone…..
Corporatization of Pride
It’s evident that during the month of June all your favourite stores and brands come out with catchy slogans and rainbow coloured merchandise in support of Pride Month – and that’s great! But what exactly are these big brands supporting? More importantly, what happens to the money we spend in these stores…
Shadow and Bone: A Good Fantasy Adaptation?
The Potter fandom, and the Hunger Games fandom are the first to spring to mind when thinking of the most successful adaptations. But as in every translation there’s always some plot points changed (much to the dismay of the avid book lovers), either for the ease and flow of the story on screen or to be more relevant to the times…
Performative Activism and Instagram Infographics
In order to tackle the "Instagram infographic industrial complex," it's important to highlight the transformations undergone by forms of online activism through the years….
Vaccine Passports - Do We Need Them?
The German word Fernweh is hard to translate. Fern means ‘far away’ and Weh is a sense of aching. The closest English word is wanderlust, the desire to wander, actually a word borrowed from German. However, it does not quite express that aching longing for travel that has overcome many of us since the start of the pandemic.
Sustainability Ambassadors (aka Green Washers)
With absolutely nothing else to do but spend, we fell right into the trap of buying countless ‘summer 2020’ garments that were never going to be worn. Overconsumption soared due to boredom, and the pockets of the fashion CEO’s were bursting at the seams.
Vaccine Registration Open: What You Need to Know
Since being told “you must stay at home” in March 2020, the road back to normality has been a long one, full of small incremental steps. Some of these steps have seen the most onerous of the restrictions be lifted, but the most significant steps have been developments with the vaccines - trials showing safety and efficacy; the approval of them for use in the United Kingdom; and seeing our older relatives get theirs. Now, at long last, it is nearly the turn of the 18-29 year old category to get our jabs.
“A Very Violent Manner” Review
Ah yes, COVID, I bet you’re sick of hearing it, right? It has stopped life, daily routines, concerts, cinema visits, nights out. But it hasn’t stopped STAG. Overcoming the odds, Student Theatre at Glasgow took their play writing abilities to the - slightly smaller - laptop screen.
Queer, Jewish, Anarchist, Local: An Interview With pink peacock
Founded in 2020 by Morgan Holleb (he/him) and Joe Isaac (he/him), Pink Peacock will open after COVID restrictions as a late-night, alcohol-free, pay-what-you-can space in Govanhill. Despite the pandemic putting a temporary hold on their progress, Pink Peacock’s team has been busy in the past year.
A Green New Hope
Recognising the importance of our ongoing climate emergency, G-You was happy to be able to sit down and chat to Green New Deal, a campus group calling on the University Of Glasgow to be more sustainable and transparent.
Dressing Up to Stay In: The Power of Fashion in a Global Pandemic
The clothes you decide to wear on any given day have a direct influence on how the world perceives you. Fashion is powerful. It’s exciting. It’s my motivation. But how have attitudes to fashion changed this year as a result of the global pandemic?
A Graduate Scheme that Makes an Impact
The past year has no doubt heightened the challenges of mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone globally, however, it is the silent pandemic of mental health that we must not ignore…
The Best and Worst of HIVE
We won’t be together this year, so instead we got you to send in your best, or worst, pulling stories from HIVE, and boy are they messy.
Celebrating Valentine’s Day Covid Style – We’ve Got You Covered!
Here are some suggestions for ways you can spread the love next weekend, without spreading you know what x We hope that however you end up spending next weekend, you have a great Valentine’s Day <3
Russell T Davies: It’s A Sin and the Importance of Sharing Stories
… I contributed to the 6.5 million viewers who watched his latest project It’s A Sin in its entirety, a record breaking statistic for Channel 4 who declared the show their “most binged new series ever.”…Davies is revealing unheard stories, they are the stories of his youth, of his friends, and most importantly of the young men lost in the AIDS epidemic.
Musings on the Queer Identity
We continue the series… Identity is a complex phenomena and it can seem overly reductive when we talk about a singular ‘queer identity’ (or indeed any other shared identity), as if all queer poeple are somehow bonded by some sort of universal shared experience