No good just having publications, where are you going to read them?

The James Bridie & Walter Elliot Libraries

The James Bridie and Walter Elliot Libraries house a large collection of historical and hot-topic books that we curate on behalf of the Union. You will find the James Bridie collection and Glasgow University books dating back to the institution's origins, amongst many more. In our libraries, there is plenty of space to sit down, sip a cup of tea (or a Pint of Fun—we don’t judge…), and have a read!

Who were Bridie and Elliot?

Colonel Dr. Walter Elliot (1888-1958) was the Secretary of State for Scotland, Minister of Health, physician, and, notably, President of our own Glasgow University Union (1911-1912). He represented our students long after he graduated as Rector in 1956.

James Bridie (1888-1951) is the pseudonym of the Scottish playwright and physician Osborne Henry Mavor. He rose to prominence with his play The Anatomist (1931), eventually going on to found Glasgow Citizen’s Theatre and later working with Alfred Hitchcock in the 1940s. In the Bridie Library, you’ll find a mural by Fyffe Christie illustrating Bridie’s poem West End Perk. Perhaps more famously within the building - he founded our beloved Daft Friday; a dinner at this event is still held in his name.