Magazine of the Glasgow University Union
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Vaccine Passports - Do We Need Them?
The German word Fernweh is hard to translate. Fern means ‘far away’ and Weh is a sense of aching. The closest English word is wanderlust, the desire to wander, actually a word borrowed from German. However, it does not quite express that aching longing for travel that has overcome many of us since the start of the pandemic.
Ethics of Travel 🚁✈️🚐🚗🚈🛴🏍️🚌❓
The seemingly ever-lasting pandemic has placed restrictions on both domestic and international travel over the last year, forcing us to minimise our movements. Yet lately there has been a surge in influencers and reality TV stars taking international trips to destinations including Barbados and Dubai, boasting images of white sands and turquoise waters to brighten up our day.
Non-white Travel Influencers You Should Give a Follow
As a white person, I find it VITAL that I follow accounts that tell the story of people of other backgrounds, that show different worldviews to mine! I think this is a general necessity when travelling too. Here is a compilation of some non-white traveller influencers I’ve found interesting AND SUPER DUPER COOL. I think Instagram CAN be a healthy platform if we follow the right accounts!