Magazine of the Glasgow University Union
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War in Western Journalism: A Disjointed Utopia
With the release of our newest issue, Dreams of Utopia, Ana Negut discusses the implications of the double standards in journalistic war coverage in the West.
A Successful Woman: Error 404, definition not found
What really makes a woman successful? Despite the 20s being deemed the age of ‘woke-ness’ and equality, we still cannot truly answer this question. There are different domains of success… for some it’s a thriving career, for others it’s a traditional family unit and for the rest of us it's none of the above….
COP out?
At COP26, world leaders and climate activists have repeated again and again that, at best, it will very soon be too late to reverse the effects of climate change, and, at worst, major irreversible damage is already done. However, COP26 has been subject to intense scrutiny from climate activists for excluding vulnerable groups, particularly in the context of the pandemic…
Sex Work is Work
The debate about decriminalising sex work has been one that had been increasingly prevalent in feminist circles recently, and is now finally starting to be discussed in mainstream political circles again. However, this is not a new discussion…
Fit for a Climate Queen? - COP26 in Glasgow
Highland cows, Irn bru, breathtaking scenery, and this year, hosting COP26 - Scotland is known around the world for many things. But what about being a leader in the fight against climate change?
The Texas Abortion Bill: How Can We Help?
In the past few weeks, hundreds of citizens of Texas in the United States have taken to the street in order to protest against the controversial ‘Heartbeat Bill’. This is a historical moment for Texas…
Corporatization of Pride
It’s evident that during the month of June all your favourite stores and brands come out with catchy slogans and rainbow coloured merchandise in support of Pride Month – and that’s great! But what exactly are these big brands supporting? More importantly, what happens to the money we spend in these stores…
Performative Activism and Instagram Infographics
In order to tackle the "Instagram infographic industrial complex," it's important to highlight the transformations undergone by forms of online activism through the years….
Vaccine Passports - Do We Need Them?
The German word Fernweh is hard to translate. Fern means ‘far away’ and Weh is a sense of aching. The closest English word is wanderlust, the desire to wander, actually a word borrowed from German. However, it does not quite express that aching longing for travel that has overcome many of us since the start of the pandemic.
Vaccine Registration Open: What You Need to Know
Since being told “you must stay at home” in March 2020, the road back to normality has been a long one, full of small incremental steps. Some of these steps have seen the most onerous of the restrictions be lifted, but the most significant steps have been developments with the vaccines - trials showing safety and efficacy; the approval of them for use in the United Kingdom; and seeing our older relatives get theirs. Now, at long last, it is nearly the turn of the 18-29 year old category to get our jabs.
A Green New Hope
Recognising the importance of our ongoing climate emergency, G-You was happy to be able to sit down and chat to Green New Deal, a campus group calling on the University Of Glasgow to be more sustainable and transparent.
Social Media Regulation: From Trump’s Ban to Zuckerberg’s Fear.
…it is important to take a step back and realise that these social media sites are incredibly bad at dealing with illegal behaviour online, and that some strong government regulation is necessary to curb some of the harms they create…
‘When the Government does not Protect me, I must Protect my Sister’.
On the theme of disruption - another view on the what is happening in Poland… The rightwing Polish government have launched an attack that severely regresses abortion rights and access in the country. On October 22nd, they ruled that abortion would only be legal in two scenarios: if the pregnancy came from incest or rape, or if the pregnancy threatened the life or health of the mother…
G-You and GSC Collab Article: The Fight against Anti-Abortion Legislation in Poland and How You can Help from the UK
This month, G-You has collaborated with GSC (Glasgow Students for Choice) to compile a resource pack offering a comprehensive overview of the current fight against restrictive anti-abortion legislation in Poland.
Towards a Northern Powerhouse?
…Events such as the Brexit vote have highlighted a ‘geography of discontent’ in the UK and are illustrative of the culmination of decades of neglect from central government. This has added impetus to initiatives like the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ and Boris Johnson’s flagship ‘Level Up’ election pledge, which have attracted new scrutiny and attention. Yet, it is not enough to merely redistribute money to the North if this isn’t invested at the grassroots level and in local communities…
Our Defining Crisis: COVID-19 and The Youth
I haven’t laughed in 6 months. This is the realization I came to when I started working on this piece. Sure, I’ve chuckled and giggled, but I haven’t just laughed in that relaxed way that tells you everything is alright. And I am sure that I am not alone in this. COVID-19 has impacted all of us from all angles…
The First Black ______
The government and the opposition need to think about their people, if they actually went out and saw the conditions in which their people are living, it might actually mean that they would pause and think again about the importance of peace. - Valerie Amos
Don’t blame the students
After being told it was safe to come, why are students being blamed for returning to university campuses?