Magazine of the Glasgow University Union
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15 Years of Flight of the Conchords
Celebrating 15 years of ‘the 4th best parody band in New Zealand’
War in Western Journalism: A Disjointed Utopia
With the release of our newest issue, Dreams of Utopia, Ana Negut discusses the implications of the double standards in journalistic war coverage in the West.
A Night of Climax
Hidden beneath the rattle of the passing trains from Glasgow Central, something big is brewing. People are gathering, the throb of electronic music is spilling onto the streets, carried aloft on the chatter of excited groups arriving to the clatter of heels and departing ubers. Tonight is the night GUCFS has been working towards for eight months. Tonight is their climax…
GUFCS - 2022
G-You sat down with this year’s charity director Bethany Henderson to learn more about their year long campaign to fundraise for Refuweegee in the run up to their show, Climax, on the 18th and 19th February…
Trauma Porn
In his essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies”, Stephen King explains that we crave horror movies as a catharsis for our own violent, insane urges. They give us a way to “become children again, seeing things in pure blacks and whites” and “allow our emotions free rein.” Some people are attracted to horror which examines the psyche, allows us to bear witness and understand the fucked up aspects of our society. Some people are attracted to horror which explores grief, and the legacy of a painful, unjust death….
Longing, Belonging
Just over two months ago, I packed my bags and flew a few thousand miles, leaving everything familiar, everything that I grew up with, that I have been accustomed to - the sights, sounds and the people, to land in a bustling city in the UK, that I had never been to before….
The Long Journey of a Shot
For something so common and widely used, we don't often wonder how alcohol really works and what effects it can have on us. So, let me give you an overview of the journey alcohol takes around your body and the aftermath of drinking…
A Successful Woman: Error 404, definition not found
What really makes a woman successful? Despite the 20s being deemed the age of ‘woke-ness’ and equality, we still cannot truly answer this question. There are different domains of success… for some it’s a thriving career, for others it’s a traditional family unit and for the rest of us it's none of the above….
The Immortal Jellyfish
… Though it certainly won’t look like much- a mere plankton no bigger than your pinkie nail, spurred on by the whims of the ocean currents - rest assured, this tiny jellyfish contains the secret to genetic immortality…
COP out?
At COP26, world leaders and climate activists have repeated again and again that, at best, it will very soon be too late to reverse the effects of climate change, and, at worst, major irreversible damage is already done. However, COP26 has been subject to intense scrutiny from climate activists for excluding vulnerable groups, particularly in the context of the pandemic…
Sex Work is Work
The debate about decriminalising sex work has been one that had been increasingly prevalent in feminist circles recently, and is now finally starting to be discussed in mainstream political circles again. However, this is not a new discussion…
The Great Structure
The room was large and oppressive. It’s bones stood tall and lurked high above those few men who found themselves inside. The great glass walls formed a broad and rigid square around them…
Fit for a Climate Queen? - COP26 in Glasgow
Highland cows, Irn bru, breathtaking scenery, and this year, hosting COP26 - Scotland is known around the world for many things. But what about being a leader in the fight against climate change?
Deepening our Yoga Practice
Despite yoga having its origins in ancient Indian philosophy, when you type ‘yoga’ into instagram, most, if not all, of the top results are edited photos of young, white women stretching into contortions. Modern yoga practice has become disconnected from its roots, and hence, has lost some of its value as a mental and spiritual practice…
Literal Bedroom Pop - An Interview with Out of the Blue
Few students can imagine doing much more outside of uni than a sports club and maybe a society or two. But two students in a makeshift studio on Winton Drive have taken expectations and exceeded them—writing, recording, and producing an entire album in a little over a year. Not only did they self-release their debut LP, bedtime stories, an eclectic mashup of house beats and bedroom pop, but they managed to hear their single “iris” played on BBC Introducing. G-You has reviewed bedtime stories and gotten an exclusive interview with its creators—Nicolas and Bérénice!
A Love Letter to… Neuroscience
Since starting my Neuroscience degree, I’ve received a lot of widened eyes and oh wow!’s when I’ve told people about it. “That sounds hard,” they often say, “I’d be absolutely clueless about that.” Honestly, I am absolutely clueless - and I love it…
The Texas Abortion Bill: How Can We Help?
In the past few weeks, hundreds of citizens of Texas in the United States have taken to the street in order to protest against the controversial ‘Heartbeat Bill’. This is a historical moment for Texas…