Magazine of the Glasgow University Union
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Glasgow Political Experts
If you had to think of universities associated with politicians, it would be Oxford and Cambridge that came to mind - not Glasgow. Yet, if you look at the background of many notable political figures, you will see a common theme - a graduate of the University of Glasgow and a member of the Glasgow University Union during their time at University…
Children of the Recession
The Iraq War, MP’s expenses scandal and a global financial crash: you would have been forgiven in 2010 for believing that, surely, the new decade in politics would be less eventful. As it turned out, you couldn’t have been more wrong.
Cause of Death: the System
George Floyd. Breanna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. Samuel Dubose. Tamir Rice. Eric Garner. Santa Bland. Trayvon Martin. Walter Scott. Oscar Grant. Philando Castile. Terrence Crutcher. Aiyana Jones. Agatha Felix. Maurice Gordon. Tony McDade.
Love (and Mafia) is in the Air…
What does Scotland have to do with mafia? was the typical, almost mathematically predictable, reply I received from most people in Glasgow every time I talked about the need to raise awareness of mafia in the UK.
Uncharted Territory
The refugee crisis burst onto our TV screens and filled all manner of journalistic publication over the summer but has received far less attention over the past few weeks.