Magazine of the Glasgow University Union
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Sustainability Ambassadors (aka Green Washers)
With absolutely nothing else to do but spend, we fell right into the trap of buying countless ‘summer 2020’ garments that were never going to be worn. Overconsumption soared due to boredom, and the pockets of the fashion CEO’s were bursting at the seams.
A Green New Hope
Recognising the importance of our ongoing climate emergency, G-You was happy to be able to sit down and chat to Green New Deal, a campus group calling on the University Of Glasgow to be more sustainable and transparent.
How to be sustainable in the city - a guide for glasgow.
We’re bringing you, yet again, some discussion on sustainable fashion. This time you get a guide to Glasgow though!! One of the good things to come out of this year and the time locked-down was increased awareness and publicity around the damage fast-fashion has done to our planet and the importance of shopping small.
Introducing: GUFR and Second Hand September
Every week, the UK sends 13 million items of clothing to landfill. Every year, this totals to the same weight as the Empire State building. The fashion industry has become exemplar of the Janus face of modern corporatism: fashion is without a doubt an art, a form of self expression and celebrates the diversity of the human experience, yet is also amongst the world's worst polluters and has systematically exploited its workers that allow us to get our hands on the latest trends.