Magazine of the Glasgow University Union
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Depression: The account of a boy with no problems
It took me until coronavirus happened to realise that not everyone spends ¼ to 1/3 of every month feeling empty and the rest of it fearing the moment when that emptiness will strike from the blue. I am writing this piece because I’ve been mildly depressed for at least 10 years now. I don’t curl up into a ball on my bed…
Let’s Talk About Depression
While at university it is straightforward to become emotionally isolated and cut off from others, even when surrounded by groups of people in either societies or the pub.
G-YOU’s Pledge: We Will Talk About The Black Dog
Mental health issues don’t just crop up in times of high stress, they are something that sticks with you through both the good and the bad days, that can appear at literally anytime with or without apparent cause.