Our September Edition Noise is Out Now!
Jam-packed with advice for freshers, creative writing, and current events, Noise is now available online for your enjoyment.
The world may seem to have slowed down in many respects over the past summer, but even as restrictions tighten and our social lives dwindle, it’s not all that easy to escape the noise. Online university classes and social events have many of us all but living on the internet, where endless news articles, social media feeds, viral videos, and text messages vie for our attention every hour.
With outrage over elections, pandemic responses, and social justice growing on either end of the political spectrum, frustrated people are taking to the web in droves to make their voices heard. But are we able to handle all of this noise? As the new school year starts, will we be able to filter out the background chatter and focus on what’s important?
Read Noise here or by clicking the button in the top right corner of this website.
Thanks to our wonderful contributors who made this issue possible! if you’d like to contribute to the next edition be sure to join our contributors’ group on Facebook.